US Wellness Meats’ Ribeye Pork Chop is a backyard griller’s delight.
Weighing 16 ounces, the frenched bone-in ribeye will draw a crowd around the grill counting down the minutes to serving time.
The pork on the grill is from outside raised heirloom breeds prevalent in the 1960s. The Berkshires, Tamworth, Durocs, Hampshires, and Spotted Whites were known for their intramuscualar fat which produces the wow effect when sliced and served.
Modern 21st century pigs produce much leaner muscle which impacts flavor.
As a bonus, these pigs are antibiotic free and hormone free from birth! Their outdoor diet is supplemented with Non GMO grain.
Each package contains 1 Ribeye Pork Chop averaging 16 ounces.
All of our pasture-raised heritage pork is from like-minded, sustainable family farms.
All US Wellness Meats pigs are GAP certified, Prop 12, unconfined with access to the outdoors, with access to fresh air and sunshine. Raised with USDA organic practices, free of artificial pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics, synthetic hormones, GMOs, or other synthetic contaminants.
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